
Transaction limits on Instagram

We use features such as liking, following, sharing, comment, hashtag in Instagram as we wish. Did you know that there is a certain limit for these transactions?

Instagram has set certain limits to prevent unexpected activity and spam. If you exceed these limits, you may encounter transaction restrictions and spam penalties. Today, we will refer to the transaction limits set by instagram.

You can continue to read the entire article on our blog.

Instagram follow limit

Instagram has a limit on the number of people you can follow. According to Instagram, to azalt reduce spam, the number of people you can follow is limited to 7500.

If you are a very active instagram user, you should pay attention to this limit.

If you following too many people within a day, you will receive a message informing you that the limit has been reached. There are no limits for other people to follow your account.

Instagram likes limit

The limit set for liking is 350 per hour. If you do not use an automated rating tool and do not spam, this number is quite sufficient for regular users.

If you want to look backwards on “likes”, you can see your last 300 likes on Instagram.

Instagram comment limit

Users may not need to comment too much, but corporate accounts may need to post too many comments. The daily limit according to the feedback from the users;

There are 250 comments limit per day.

This limit varies according to the number of followers and account interactions.

Instagram hashtag limit

One of the most common spam; Hashtags are. You cannot send more than 30 hashtags in your posts.

Instagram character limit

There are some limitations to the number of characters you can use throughout Instagram. Instagram username character limit is 30.

Your Instagram biography cannot exceed 150 characters.

The limit of characters you can use in your titles / comments on Instagram is 2200.

Instagram Direct Message limit

There is no limit for DM (direct message) transmissions. With DM, you can send images, messages, or video content as many times as you want without limitation. If you are spamming the user will already block you.

If you’re throwing DM out of people on your friends list, the process here is a bit more varied. Your account may be closed if these users mark your messages as spam.

Instagram limits are set to provide a more comfortable platform for users. Automatic bots and other users are detected and offensive accounts are closed.

The article will be updated as the limits change…

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